No Vacancy

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***Exhibition extended til 24 July***

Cat Lawrance, Martha I, Hardground copper plate intaglio with a linocut printed over the top on somerset paper, 45 x 50cm. Artwork detail.
Melanie Cobham, Mapping Territories (Ant traces), Soft ground etchings, 35 x 28cm. Artwork detail.
Jessica Choi, Flow, Stoneware, 37 x 25cm.

RESIST/RELIEF takes the technical language of making, conceptualising this process to create a duality between these two forms.

The RESIST technique exposes and endures, withstanding corrosive agents to continually occupy space.

Acts of resistance, however, require us to practice self-care.

RELIEF techniques carve out a space that offers clarity and calm.

The artists in this exhibition have responded to this theme through works that reflect acts of resistance; be they highly visible social issues that are crying for action, or smaller acts of everyday resistance that would otherwise go unseen.

Inversely, artists have considered the ways in which we look after ourselves within resistance. This has taken the form of whatever acts of self-care mean or look like to them.


Anna Russell, Cat Lawrance, Cecilia Jacobs, Clara Chan, Damon Kowarsky, Eleanor Franks, Elizabeth Banfield, Georgia Steele, Henry Leslie-O'Neill, Hyun Ju Kim, Jack Parnaby, Janet Hughes, Jennifer Lea, Jessie Balletta, Jennifer Tarry-Smith, Joanna Kambourian, Jessica Choi, Juan Rodriguez Sandoval, Kyriaki Teo, Maddie Crockett, Mali Taylor, Mia Sabec, Melanie Cobham, Olympia Sarris, Rubee Hay, Ruth Stanton, Sam Reiher, Zoë Tripovich, Paul Bishop