Cal: Maths & Mortality




01.08.23 - 06.08.23

Living in Melbourne, self-taught artist Cal works across multiple disciplines to explore geometric minimalism through art, both in two-dimensional and three-dimensional space. Their practise ranges from painting and printmaking, to public space and built object.

Cal finds interest in exploring the intersection of maths and art as well as that of the creative, analytical and technical elements therein these aspects of human inquiry. Their artwork is often described as more clinical than emotive, as it takes inspiration and technique from architecture, geometry and mathematics rather than the flowery and emotive. They often depict abstracted architectural forms evoking a dreamlike sense of vague familiarity in an attempt to induse a detached sense of calm.

As well as studies of these forms that exist within altered states Cal also creates hard edge, flat colour, geometric minimalism that focuses on repetition and simplicity of form and composition. Utilising bold lines and soothing colours to explore how colour interacts with these forms and each other in order to harmonise and balance each other within a composition. Combining the precision of mathematics with the beauty of natural forms and reducing the elements, Cal hopes to create a relaxing almost meditative experiences for the viewer.


Era: In Two Minds


Benjamin Knock: Terra Therma