What we have been, or now are,
we shall not be tomorrow

- Ovid


Inspired by Ovid in times of Covid, METAMORPH is an online collection of writing and imagery, curated by No Vacancy that explores the theme of transformation.

[Noun] Metamorph -
an organism that has undergone metamorphosis. 

For Ovid, everything can be transformed into new forms. 
In his epic poem, Metamorphoses, characters are turned into flowers, birds, trees, rocks, animals and constellations.

Right now, the entire world is in a state of metamorphosis.
Our way of life is rapidly transforming as a new future is being not only imagined, but created.

We invite you to reflect on transformation -
past, present and future.



We are accepting text based submissions including poetry and flash fiction of up to 800 words.

VISUAL ART: We are accepting visual submissions in the form of a high resolution jpeg or png. The digital file can be the work itself,
or documentation of a work.

This is an open call out.



E-mail your work to:
with the subject title ‘Metamorph’.

Please include artwork details (title, medium, dimensions) if applicable, along with a short supporting statement (max. one paragraph) describing how your work responds to the theme of transformation.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Midnight, Sunday 31 May, 2020


METAMORPH will be presented as a digital publication
in June 2020. 

There are no fees associated with this exhibition.


Be Patient and Tough;

Someday this pain will be useful to you

- Ovid
