Georgia Stephenson: Materiality of Melbourne




05.09.23 - 10.09.23

Georgia Stevenson is an emerging Naarm (Melbourne) based ceramic artist. Captivated by texture, surface, pattern and the tactility of clay, her work is increasingly interested in the material itself. With an education in architecture, Stevenson is curious about enriching the connection between people and the places they inhabit through the objects and surfaces that surround them. 

Georgia Stevenson of Breaking Ground’s research offers answers to the urgent and pressing questions the modern ceramicist faces, including; Where do our raw materials come from? Through innovation, can materials of abundance in our own locality be used instead? Can we create a circular economy by recognising the potential of materials about to be displaced, such as earthworks or demolition debris headed to landfill? Can we deepen our shared cultural identity by imbuing our built environment (architecture, landscaping, public art) with the rich textures and colours inherent to this place? 

Each material, from concrete rubble to heritage glass from archaeology discards, has been tested to understand its parameters for use in ceramics - either as a clay body addition or glaze ingredient. The Materiality of Melbourne exhibition investigates the potential for embedding meaning and site-specificity within our surroundings.

Supported by the City of Melbourne Arts Grants.


Debra Winn: NUE: Exploring Raw Expression


Art Aviso: Compass