Past | Art Aviso


Door to Door – Art Aviso exhibition event 8.0

Join us for the launch of Door to Door | Thursday 11 February 6-8pm
Exhibition Dates | 9 - 14 February 2021

In March at the beginning of lockdown, Art Aviso artists were invited to be part of the Art Aviso event Door to Door (Art in the time of COVID-19 or Art from isolation). This project began in Australia and has now been opened to Art Aviso Artists based in the UK & Europe.

Artists were supplied via email with a page from Newnes’ Pictorial Knowledge 1950’s Encyclopedia (Edited by Enid Blyton) selected at random, which was to form the basis of an artwork to be exhibited at some time on the other side of lockdown. That time is now!

The page could act as inspiration for the colours, forms, texture, feeling or as a research starting point to dive down the rabbit hole! 

When this project began there was no end plan for the output of the artwork, in fact it was very difficult to plan anything, it just felt important to be creating something together - apart.

Art Aviso were inundated with requests to join the project, and as it began to unfold and the works started coming in with their accompanying stories, it became apparent that collectively the artworks were forming something special.

The project was then opened up to Art Aviso Artists in the UK and Europe and to date there are over 200 artists currently part of this project and exhibition event.

The first phase of this exhibition is an evolving and growing virtual exhibition, which displays the finished artwork alongside the page that the artists were supplied for inspiration, and will culminate in 2 physical exhibitions. UK and European Artists were each supplied a page from the Encyclopedia that corresponded to a page already supplied to an Australian Artist, to see how 2 different artists responded to the same instigator.

You can view each artwork through the virtual exhibition as a related artwork.

Physical Exhibitions

No Vacancy Launch event: Thursday 11th February 6-8pm

The first in February 2021 at No Vacancy Gallery, Melbourne, Australia. And the second in September 2021 at Art Aviso partner Gallery in Berlin, LiTE-HAUS Galerie + Projektraum.

Virtual Exhibitions:

You can view the Australian Door to Door virtual exhibition HERE

You can view the UK and European Door to Door virtual Exhibition HERE


Past | Mark Chu


Past | For the Deckade