Kat Rae (2024) Untitled, dimensions variable 


Pussy Willow Power Collective 

15 - 26 Oct

Please join us for the Opening Celebration on Thursday 17th October 6-8pm

The precocious Pussy Willow flower catkins are soft, small and furry. Yet they are a feminist symbol of reawakening and resilience. Overcoming trauma involves courage, maturity and a desire to reclaim power. Pussy Willow Power comprises a trio of feminist print-informed artists based in Naarm Melbourne. Kat Rae, Drey Willows and Chiara Zeta create work informed by lived experience of complex trauma and loss. With professional backgrounds in the Australian Defence Force, social work, community development and medicine, PWP bring complementary insights to the dilemmas of traumatic grief. 

PWP share their reflections as a political act to recognise the complexities of the all-too-common experience of violence against women. PWP critique oversimplified institutional approaches and dominant patriarchal narratives. Like feminists before them, PWP empower one another and combat isolation by sharing individual and collective art projects with the community to bring awareness and nuance to cultural narratives.