Schermafbeelding 2019-11-07 om 16.10.24.png

IN RESPONSE Political art from the streets A collaborative exhibition by VAN & SLIM 25 Nov - 1 Dec 2019 Exhibition Event: Friday 29 Nov, 6-9pm. All Welcome!

Amidst the hotspots of rebellion around the world there are revolutionary street artists making marks that cascade alongside working class peoples' movements large and small (or growing) against the tyrannical and destructive forces of capitalism.

VAN and SLIM are two street artists, based in Melbourne, Australia, who live and breathe this atmosphere.

And they have an agenda and don't wanna hide it. The global capitalist system and it's destructive tentacles (ie. War, Environmental Destruction, Exploitation, Racism, Sexism, Homophobia etc) are still part of our daily horrors, and these two urban fighters see their street art as helping build forces big enough to seriously give capitalism a shake up.

In taking some slices of their most recent and earlier street-based works, they decided to share their inspired and politically relevant work to established and newer audiences. They really hope you can come, cos, well, we simply have a world to win!